Spinning Out of Control: An MM Monster Romance by Kit Barrie

Spinning Out of Control: An MM Monster Romance by Kit Barrie

Author:Kit Barrie [Barrie, Kit]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2024-03-23T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 9


The first thing I realized when I woke up was that I couldn’t move. I sucked in a panicked breath, giving a jerk, but my body would not respond to my commands. I forced my eyes open. The outside was lighter through the curtains now. Webby curtains. I stilled as I realized where I was and why I couldn’t move.

The next moment, Teracht was next to me. “Are you all right, Caleb?”

“Yeah,” I said, trying to blow a piece of hair off my face. Teracht brushed it away with his fingers. “I just forgot where I was.”

Teracht nodded. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah,” I said, realizing I felt pretty good. “What time is it?”

“A little after seven,” he said.

I sighed, then jumped as he reached out one of his spider legs and ran it along the webbing that bound my left leg to the web. It split underneath his touch like skin under a surgeon’s scalpel, and I reminded myself once more that I was glad I was not seen as prey by him. He cut loose all of the bonds that held me, then helped me to sit up, the web swaying a little beneath our weight but not breaking.

“Thank you for last night,” I said as I stretched. “It was great.”

“Were you happy?” he asked, looking hopeful.

“Very,” I said. “Your webs are a little weird. I admit I had a few flashbacks to when I was in the hospital on the burn unit and couldn’t move much.”

Teracht’s face fell just a bit. “I’m sorry.”

“No,” I said, putting out my hand to touch his forearm in reassurance. “It’s all right, really.”

“I don’t want you to be afraid, Caleb.”

“I wasn’t afraid,” I assured him, reaching up to touch his cheek. “I promise, Ter. I knew you were there and that I was safe.”

He turned his head to kiss my palm lightly. “You are safe with me, always, Caleb.”

“Thank you.” I stroked his cheek again.

He smiled softly, but there was a sadness behind it that tugged at my heart. “Do you have to leave now?”

I blinked. “It’s Saturday, right?” He nodded. “Do you have to work?”

He shook his head. “No. But even if I did, I could spin while still talking to you.”

I nodded. “I don’t have anywhere I have to be today. Or, ever, really. My next physical therapy appointment isn’t until Tuesday, and I don’t have anything planned until then.”

He perked up a little. “You could stay?”

“Yeah. If you want me to.”

He nodded eagerly, then frowned a bit. “I’m afraid I don’t have much in the way of food, only liquids.”

I shrugged. “Hey, that’s what grocery delivery is for.”

Teracht beamed. “I do have everything delivered anyway.”

I nodded. “I should clean up, but I’ll do an online order and get some stuff. Food, maybe a couple toiletries.” I wanted to brush my teeth. “If that’s cool with you.”

“Yes, of course!” he said eagerly, and I laughed.

“Awesome. Can I use your shower?”

Teracht nodded, motioning up the stairs to the second floor. “Yes.


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